Speed dating workshop

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Speed dating workshop your folders, handouts, business cards, tablets make sure your battery is charged. Invite participants to buzz with others next to them--about what has sincere been covered or done, an issue that has arisen, the agenda. We held our first event for on Valentines Day 2003 and have since expanded to Queens, Long Island and. I had been ready to try something new for a long time. Contrairement au speed-meeting qui se déroule sur 2 à 3 heures, le north se déroule sur ½ journée, une soirée, 1 ou 2 jours. After 10 minutes, a signal was given. Have questions or Concerns. After having drawn the mask, the person is asked to share his mask in the larger group in which members can ask questions to clarify or further print certain characteristics. NB: for the organsiation of the event it is IMPORTANT that we receive one registration per person i. A condition or capability that must be met or possessed by a solution or solution component to satisfy a contract, standard, speed dating workshop, or other formally imposed documents.

Speed Geeking Selecting topics for discussion for Speed Geeking using Dotmocracy technique Brief Description Speed Geeking also known as Speed Dating is a large group method to quickly expose participants to a new information about any topic: programs, theory, technology, etc.. It can be adapted to other types of content as well, but the focus is on short exposure to something new as presented by someone with deep, practical experience in the topic area, tool or method. When to use Speed geeking can be used when there is limited time and there are many things to look at and discuss. The limited time normally between 10 - 15 mins keeps the presentations short, focused and to the point. These presenters can be selected in advance or from the group, depending on experience and context. Coach them to focus on key points. Advise them they will probably get better with each round, so this is a good presentation training opportunity for them. Also give them water. It can dry your mouth out fast! An easy way to do this is to simply count off around the room 1,2,3,4... When a signal is given, the groups rotate around the room to the next station. The intent is that everyone visits every station. Towards the end, people will be getting tired and perhaps loud and rowdy. You may need to intervene. Some questions might include: what did you learn that you did not expect to learn? What do you want to learn more about? What did you learn that you might apply tomorrow in your work? For each of these topics of common interest, identify experts and distribute them around the room. Rotate the audience every few minutes. For example, if you have one hour to discuss six topics, rotate the audience every ten minutes. This involves them more actively in the process beyond being an audience. Given that there is limited time, it is important that explanation is given by an expert. This is useful then for reporting out at a debrief, if that is used. In debriefing this method, we noticed that people who posted their dots after others, made decisions that supported trends rather than perhaps their own original choices. In reflecting back, we skipped some of the recommended Dotmocracy steps that would have resolved this issue. The summary of how these two methods were used and an on them is available at: and. Who can tell me more?

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